So my wife has wanted to get the kids into sports for a long time now, but it can be quite cost prohibitive, and time consuming. This is especially true when you just want to try it out, have some fun, and see if you even like it.
Where to turn?
We found an answer at the YMCA:
YMCA SportsThe YMCA Youth Sports philosophy is to allow kids to participate in a noncompetitive program with an emphasis on fun, development of character, and fair play.
The season is short (time commitment solved), the cost is low ($55-$70 for several months play). My youngest has started first with baseball, he joined team 13, got a team color of Orange. Each team was assigned names after real league teams, so we were the Astros (who are actually doing quite well this year).
So how have they been doing? Well... I just keep thinking of the Sandlot kids. But they are having fun, and I think my youngest (and a few others) have a real knack for this kind of thing.
My oldest starts flag football in a few weeks... so more driving and practices are to come.
This has been a great experience, especially for someone like myself who isn't a big sports fan.
If you are looking for a place to have your kids play just for fun, or to get started cheap and easy, the YMCA might be your place!